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Regenerative Health for A Climate Changing World: A Summit for These Times

Stephanie Mines
“What a fabulous summit, Stephanie! It's profound, sacred, deeply meaningful. I can feel the power of your work and the connections you've woven with so many committed and wise people in the global community. And it arrived at the most perfect time.”
~ Anne Bonner, Founder of Somatic Expeditions

From its spacious opening with a full 90 minutes of invocation to acknowledge that all healthcare is sacred, to the last day of witnessing the horrific losses of babies, mothers and entire communities due to climate catastrophe, Regenerative Health for A Climate Changing World spoke to all adults who care about the wellbeing of humanity. Through images collected by Ibu Robin Lim from her service to birthing mothers in devastated regions we mourned agonizing losses even as we celebrated the love and joy of new life through the eyes of midwives and new mothers. Regenerative Health for A Climate Changing World was in service to all humanity. It dared to suggest that everyone, no matter what their background, could become a vehicle of Regenerative Health and that, indeed, we must.

Indigenous women’s voices led us as we reeled from the accelerated war on women’s bodies that greeted us on Day One: Dr. Anita Sanchez, Ibu Robin Lim, Dr. Spring Cheng, Cynthia Ruiz, Jennie Estrada, and Lorraine Martinez Cook, called in the ancestors and the earth herself to fortify us. We dove into the very essence of the meaning of healthcare and dared to redefine it, putting the individual at the center. Lev Natan, Clare Hedin, Dr. Allison Davis, Michele Wilcox and the TARA Approach community, Dr. Peter Whitehouse and Ya’Acov Darling Khan spoke to empower a groundswell of Regenerative Health practice.

Now you can view the entire alchemizing summit through the links below and participate in the upwelling of stewardship for children, youth and the children of the future, to whom the Summit is dedicated. Please consider making tax deductible contribution in the spirit of generosity and respect for the care and skill that went into creating this assembly. All donations can be made on The TARA Approach or CCC’s donation pages.


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